Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh ain't i a little stinker

11 months old and I've got the hair of a hippie. Yeah it was 74 but come on. In all seriousness my parents wouldn't get us a hair cut till our first birthday. I was born with a full head of hair and at 11 months old it was this long!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Things have been going on within our church and stumbling blocks have made minds and attitudes change. It's time to go back to the word and not the world. God please bless our church.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bundle up buttercups it's cold out there. Make yourself a pot of coffee put in a good movie i recomend It's a MAD,MAD,MAD,MAD,WORLD and stay in for the weekend.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The dog i never had

In all reality i had many dogs as a kid so the dog i never had never really existed. Or did it? I don't know i'm more of a cat man these days.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ringing in the New Year.

Am i glad that the New Year has come cause 08 was a rough one. Life is changing, speeding as fast as a blink of an eye. The passing of family and friends all within the past few months has been tiring. My landlord, a one of a kind guy. Never have i met someone that really had a world revolving around him where ever he went. He could be heard over a mass of people during a "fight" and could butcher a side of beef blindfolded.
One of my personal memories is of one Saturday morning. Three days past the first of the month and i hadn't payed rent yet. I was still snuggled in bed when two BLAST from a shotgun just outside the bedroom window and in a loud booming voice "PAY THE RENT YOU SOB"! Now according to him i was still in my bvd's. I was fully clothed when i went (across the driveway) to pay up. Each time he told the story i lost a piece of clothing, when by the time he passed i was in my underwear checkbook in hand and running my way over to pay up. He will be missed by me greatly...
My aunt and uncle passed on as well. He had an aneurysm and was hospitalised in a eternal sleep for around a month. She had found out in September that she had lung cancer. Full fledged cancer. They allowed him to go and pass at home where she was as well. They both died the same day he first then later her. Her children and grand children were all around her as she passed. As she lay she looked pass everyone in the room said "hello daddy" closed her eyes smiled and died. With ups and downs that life gave them, they truly loved one another as they lived together and passed together.

God bless everyone and lets pray that the New Year will be much, much better....