Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nashville stories, fables, and tales (oh and a bit of Memphis)

An ode to a recent trip that i took to Nashville to see Bob Dylan at the old Ryman Theater. Okay so i won't bore ya with long stories of driving round trying to find the right parking spot and so on and so forth. But instead give you a visual look of what i saw.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A day in Kansas City

Here's a shot from the top of the Liberty Memorial.

The Liberty Memorial

This is from the top of the tower->

<-This was taken from the inside looking up through the glass ceiling

This is the glass floor before entering the museum, below are 1000 flowers representing 4000 men lost

Here it is. The only World War I museum in the states. I didn't take too many shots, but these i had to display. Enjoy